Feb 18, 2021

Secrets at the Last House Before the Sea by Liz Eeles Review

Secrets at the Last House Before the Sea
Heaven's Cove #1
By Liz Eeles
Release Date: February 18th, 2021 
Source: ARC provided by the Publisher

From the attic of Driftwood House there are stunning views of the deep green sea and sapphire sky. But Rosie can’t tear her eyes away from the faded photograph in her hands, and the words written on the back that will change everything…

Back in the tiny seaside village of Heaven’s Cove after the death of her mother, all Rosie Merchant wants is to hide her tears, rent out her childhood home, and get back to her ‘real’ life, away from the gossiping villagers and wild Devon weather she escaped from years ago.

She’s surprised to find a smiling man in hiking boots – local farmer Liam – waiting on the stone doorstep. His kind offer to help clear crumbling, isolated Driftwood House is hard to refuse, and despite Rosie’s determination not to let anyone get close, soon they’re walking and laughing together along the clifftops. As clouds scud across the endless sky and green waves crash against the shore, Rosie is reminded that nowhere is more beautiful than home.

Then, up in the attic of Driftwood House, Rosie stumbles across a photo which exposes the heart-stopping truth about how her mother came to live at Driftwood House years ago… and Liam only seems concerned about the implications for his own nearby farm. Did he know this painful secret all along, and should she run from Heaven’s Cove for good? Or will facing up to her devastating family history mean Rosie can finally put down roots in this beautiful place?

*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest and unbiased review*

Liz Eeles is back with a new book and I’m just hoping it turns into a series because it is so easy to fall in love with her books, as she writes with such breathtaking description that you can almost feel the seaspray upon your face! 

Rosie is back for the first time in what has been years, but for Rosie, it’s not a joyful homecoming, as she was back from Spain to bury her Mother and to sort out the house. But from the first moment, she finds out that the house is not her mother’s, and then the shots keep coming from there, and by the end of it, nothing is what it seems or will ever be again. 


Secrets at the Last House Before the Sea is absolutely breathtaking! From the first chapter, I was hooked and loved every moment. When it comes to the characters, you can’t help but love Rosie, Liam, and Nessa, I even didn’t mind the Epping's, but oh my goodness Katrina got on my very last nerve! But this book is truly a beautiful tale. And as with other books by the author, the book and plot are outstanding and flows beautifully.


I give Secrets at the Last House Before the Sea 5 stars.

Liz writes funny, feel-good romantic comedies set in the Cotswolds and Cornwall, in the UK. She was brought up in Gloucestershire so the Cotswolds are 'home', and she fell in love with Cornwall during family holidays there as a child. She has happy memories of building sandcastles in the rain and listening to the foghorn - though the sun did come out sometimes.

Liz worked as a journalist for years and brought up a family on the south coast of England, all the while writing fiction on the quiet. After being short-listed in a couple of national novel-writing competitions, her dream of being a published author came true when she was signed up by Bookouture. 

When not writing, Liz likes walking by the sea, catching up with friends, and binge-watching box sets.

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