Feb 25, 2021

Broken by Evelyn Sola Review

By Evelyn Sola
Release Date: February 15th, 2021
Tour host: The Indie Pen PR, LLC
Source: ARC provided by the author

I never saw Noah Weston coming. He swept into my life like an unexpected storm, but soon, he was everything to me.
Until tragedy struck.
One day I was planning the rest of my life with my soulmate, and the next I was picking up the pieces of a love so strong, it broke me apart.
It took three years to put myself back together.
Three years until I was ready to move on.
I’ll never forget it. The day he came back.
Can lightning strike twice? Maybe, but when I look into his eyes, all I remember are the last words he ever spoke to me.
The words that left me broken.

I loved her before I knew her name. She was more than just my heartbeat. Julia Blake was a dream too good to be true.
When real-life invaded the bubble we had created, I was left a broken man.
I survived, but I was dead inside. Half the man I used to be.
The half I needed had a new life without me.
Three years later, I’m back to reclaim what I’ve lost.
I’m back for her, only she wants nothing to do with me.

*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review*

Evelyn Sola is a new author to me, so I didn't know what to expect when I started this book, but what I got was THE most beautiful second chance love story I have ever read.

Julia has finally gotten her life back together after her relationship with Noah abruptly ended after his accident, not only was she devastated by Noah's words, but also by the words and treatment of his family. Julia was heartbroken, devastated, and betrayed, but after 3 years she is finally ready to move forward with her life, only to find Noah trying to win her back.

Wow! just Wow! this book is simply divine! oh my goodness the characters were gripping! Julia's character was strong and brave and her ability to forgive Noah, and deal with his parents and brother is truly beyond saint-like because if there were not (at least) 1 person that needed their butt whooped and it's Noah's self-entitled, elitist mother. Oh my god, I have never wanted to throw my iPad out of the window so much than when we relived Noah's mothers' words at the hospital. When it comes to Noah, I will be honest, I have never wanted to shake a person so hard in my life! I mean, what the heck did he think he was doing, how did he think he can just walk back into her life! oh my goodness I was mad! but then the love regrew between them, and honestly, it turned into one of the most beautiful love stories. 

I would also like to pop a quick disclaimer here, that yes I am aware that this is fiction, but the author wrote in such a way that she bought these characters to life, and I am eternally grateful for that.

I give Broken 5 stars

A Boston native, wife, mother, and wine enthusiast. If she’s not writing, thinking about writing, you will find Evelyn with a book in her hands. While a new publisher, she’s been writing for years, and she will continue to write for many years to come.

Evelyn is obsessed with assertive and confident men who will stop at nothing to get their woman. Her stories are filled with love, passion, and humor.

She currently lives in Chicago, IL with her husband and two daughters.

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