Jan 27, 2020

When We Say Goodbye by Michelle Vernal Review

When We Say Goodbye
By Michelle Vernal
Release Date: October 7th, 2019
Tour Host: Rachel's Random Resources
Source: ARC provided by the author

Can you love when all seems lost?

Ellie Perkins life was right on track until her boyfriend Sam suffers a near-fatal car accident, leaving him in a coma and all their future plans in limbo.

Desperately in need of something to fix, Ellie has to find a project and when her grandparents old house is put up for sale, she jumps at the chance. Because, like Ellie, the house is broken. And if she can fix the house, then surely, it's just a matter of time before she and Sam are back on their path to happily-ever-after...

In life, when the worst happens how do you pick up the pieces?

A heart-breaking story of love, loss and the path to forgiveness, perfect for fans of Faith Hogan and Amanda Prowse. To be read with tissues.

*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review*

When We Say Goodbye is the story of Ellie Perkins and her boyfriend Sam and her road through grief, facing problems of the past and learning to let go, which is one of the most difficult things to do. Now, I did read the synopsis for When We Say Goodbye it does warn you that you will need tissues, well I took that as a suggestion, IT'S NOT! So unless you want to be like me and have panda eyes as I had for a whole day, don't read it while you're at work and keep the Kleenex handy. 

To say that this book moved me is a bit of an understatement, the experience that Ellie suffered through was heartbreaking, but adding the components of her mother and her Mom boss to the mix, just took it over the edge. But I did find myself laughing at a bunch of things that Ellie does, like talking about her nanny kids, ruling with a no-nonsense attitude and walking that fine line with your employers, which I can totally relate to myself, as I'm a professional nanny as well. 

I cannot say enough good things about this book as it was truly moving for me, and I would normally not read or review this type of emotional book, but there was something about it that called to me, and I stayed for the writing and storyline, as it was far beyond anything I had read before, but managed to fall in love with it from the first chapter. 

I give When We Say Goodbye 5 stars  

Michelle Vernal loves a happy ending. She lives with her husband and their two boys in the beautiful and resilient city of Christchurch, New Zealand. She’s partial to a glass of wine, loves a cheese scone, and has recently taken up yoga—a sight to behold indeed. She writes books that she hopes make you feel you are curled up with your best friend having a cosy chat.

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