Aug 17, 2022

The One You Want by Jennifer Ryan Review

The One You Want
by Jennifer Ryan
Release Date: July 5th, 2022
Source: ARC provided by the publisher

Sometimes weddings bring the worst surprises...

Growing up, Rose fled her family home--and a dangerous father--vowing never to return. But Rose is back in Carmel, California, with two goals: to joyfully act as maid of honor for her best-friend-forever Maggie and to reunite and rebuild her relationships with her mother and sister. And she can't wait to finally meet the groom-to-be.

But when Maggie excitedly introduces her to Marc, Rose is horrified. He's the man Rose spent one lust-fueled but disastrous night with a year ago. Rose and Maggie have shared every secret...but Rose isn't sure she can reveal this one. To complicate the situation, Rose makes an instant connection with Gray, Marc's best man and cousin.

And as the big day approaches, the secret weighs heavy upon Rose. It was a whirlwind courtship, but Maggie seems so sure she's found the one she wants. Now Rose faces the biggest dilemma of her life: Should she tell Maggie and Gray the truth and risk losing them? What if it's best to leave things alone? Then again, what if her friend is making the biggest mistake of her life?

*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest and unbiased review*

The One You Want by Jennifer Ryan is one of my favorite books this year! from the difficulty of returning home, to deal with family after a history of abuse, to find that it is even more fractured than before, to revealing the truth to not only your best friend but to a guy you have become interested in, about their friend and fiance, also to be attacked and then lied about to all you care about and put your whole future in jeopardy. But this is what the heroine of this book Maggie goes through, but still manages to heal and have an open heart is amazing to me.

This book, like others in the Jennifer Ryan library, is not all about suspense, but more about complicated families, feelings, and relationships, and that is enough drama in of itself. But once again the author hits it out of the park with this book, and I will read it again and again.

I give The One You Want 5 stars

Jennifer Ryan is the New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of The Hunted, McBride, and Montana Men series. She writes suspenseful contemporary romances with outrageous plot twists, deeply emotional love stories, high stakes, and higher drama. Her stories are filled with love, family, friendship, and the happily-ever-after we all hope to find.

Jennifer lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and three children. When she finally leaves those fictional worlds, you’ll find her in the garden, playing in the dirt and daydreaming about people who live only in her head, until she puts them on paper.

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