Apr 23, 2022

The Island in Bramble Bay by Victoria Walker Review

The Island in Bramble Bay
by Victoria Walker
Release Date: April 23rd, 2022
Ever After Books
Tour host: Rachel’s Random Resources
Source: ARC provided by the author

Welcome to Bramble Island! Find breezy, sunshine-filled days, shaded woodlands, glittering sea, and a summer of love…

Maggie Cassidy is the new park manager of Bramble Island in Dorset. A job on an island where she is the only year-round inhabitant is the perfect fresh start for her. But when she’s torn between the job she came to do and the island she has grown to love, can she hang on to her perfect new life without compromising her dreams?

Charlie Mackenzie is the forester on Bramble Island. He is a loner full of secrets, burnt out by the life he left behind in San Francisco. When his past catches up with him, he must decide whether he can face what he has spent three years running from without bringing his world crashing down.

Bramble Island lulls them both into an idyllic existence but when the outside world bangs on the door, is history about to repeat itself for both of them?

*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review*

Victoria Walker has done it again! written a truly heartwarming book that caught me from the very first chapter and kept me sucked in until the end...where I was blubbering like my mother at a royal wedding.

When Maggie arrived in Bramble Bay it was a fresh start for her, after being deceived by her ex Ben and wanting to work in an environment that she would love and away from people that will cause her pain. Until her volunteers arrive for the summer to help care for the island, it's just her and Charlie, the forester from America in the park office at the moment, but it doesn't stop Maggie from being inspired by her surroundings, even if her first meeting with Charlie was a bit abrupt.

But as the season begins on Bramble Bay things change and not all just in nature, relationships bloom, including the relationship between Maggie and Charlie, that is until people from their past come back and seem to disrupt the flow, but when things explode and Maggie is tired of being left behind or disrespected, will Charlie fight for their relationship or is it all over.

I'm telling you, this author truly has the talent of twisting your stomach into knots all in a few chapters, and when you are done, you are an emotionally wrecked but contented person for it.

I give The Island in Bramble Bay 5 stars.

Victoria Walker lives in the Malvern Hills with her husband and two teenage children. She is an avid reader of contemporary romance but tempers this addiction by being a member of a book club where she is often surprised by her enjoyment of other genres. She also loves sewing and knitting and Scandinavian dramas.

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