Oct 5, 2021

Snug in Iceland by Victoria Walker Review

Snug in Iceland
By Victoria Walker
Release Date: August 29th, 2021
Ever After Books
Tour host: Rachel’s Random Resources
Source: ARC provided by author

Rachel Richards is stuck in a rut. Her boyfriend Adam barely notices her most of the time and her life in London isn’t as exciting as it should be. When the company she works for, Snug, asks her to oversee the opening of a new store in Iceland, she jumps at the chance for a change of scenery. Exploring Reykjavik with the help of Icelandic tour guide Jonas, Rachel discovers that life is out there waiting to be lived. As she falls in love with Iceland, she begins to see what is important to her and wonders whether the life she left behind is what she wants after all...

*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review*

There are very few books any reader can say that they adored from the first chapter, but for me Snug in Iceland by Victoria Walker was one of them; her writing and descriptions are fantastic and her book managed to sweep me out of my own crazy life and off to the world of Rachel and Iceland.
Rachel Richards is the heroine of our story, and quite honestly, she should be what every man should want! Attentive, loving, successful in her job, but her boyfriend Adam is (in my honest opinion) a complete moron! Barely attentive and doesn’t seem to notice that Rachel has left London for a project with her job at Snug… well that is until it is self-serving.
But Rachel is thrilled to be in Iceland, exploring and making new friends and finally enjoying her life again… but not everything is as it seems.
I cannot wax lyrical enough about this book and the author, she truly has managed to catch a story of self-love and worth, tie it in with letting go of the past and discovering new love and wrapped it up with a bow into an early Christmas gift for us all to adore.
I give Snug in Iceland a very well deserved 5 stars!

Victoria Walker lives in the Malvern Hills with her husband and two teenage children. She is an avid reader of contemporary romance but tempers this addiction by being a member of a book club where she is often surprised by her enjoyment of other genres. She also loves sewing and knitting and Scandinavian dramas.

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