Apr 1, 2021

Ladies of the House by Lauren Edmondson Review

Ladies of The House
By Lauren Edmondson
Release Date: February 9th, 2021
Graydon House
Source: ARC provided by the Publisher

Set in high-society Georgetown, an irresistible family drama about two sisters and the public scandal that just may lead them to rewrite the rules...

No surprise is a good surprise. At least according to thirty-four-year-old Daisy Richardson. So when it’s revealed in dramatic fashion that her esteemed father had been involved in a public scandal before his untimely death, Daisy’s life becomes complicated—and fast.

For one, the Richardsons must now sell the family home in Georgetown they can no longer afford, and Daisy’s mother is holding on with an iron grip. Her younger sister, Wallis, is ready to move on to bigger and better things but falls fast and hard for the most inconvenient person possible. And then there’s Atlas, Daisy’s best friend. She’s always wished they could be more, but now he’s writing an exposé on the one subject she’s been desperate to avoid: her father.

Daisy’s plan is to maintain a low profile as she works to keep her family intact amid social exile, public shaming, and quickly dwindling savings. But the spotlight always seems to find the Richardsons, and when another twist in the scandal comes to light, Daisy must confront the consequences of her continued silence and summon the courage to stand up and accept the power of her own voice.

*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest and unbiased review*

Ladies of the House is a modern-day telling of Sense and Sensibility, but rather than the English countryside, the book is set in the political hub of US politics….Washington D.C. 


When Senator Gregory Richardson died of a heart attack in bed with his mistress, little did his wife Cricket and Daughters Daisy and Wallis know that that nugget was the calm before the storm. But Daisy and her family are determined to survive, even when it cost Daisy her job, Wallis her heart, and Cricket the home she loved and her position in society that she has earned. 


The Ladies of the House retelling was was so much more relatable, from the characters to the setting, now as a British woman I’m sure that would be seen as blasphemous, but I absolutely loved this book, and I will admit that when Daisy is crying, I could only picture the Emma Thompson crying scene. 


I was very impressed by Laura Edmondson’s debut novel, the retelling of a great novel can be a touchy thing for the Austin readers, but I personally found it a very enjoyable read and I hope this is the start of things to many more great books. 


I give Ladies of the House 5 Stars.

Lauren Edmondson has a BA from Williams College and an MFA in fiction from Sarah Lawrence College. She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and two children. Ladies of the House is her first novel.

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