Oct 1, 2020

The Cottage of New Beginnings by Suzanne Snow Review

The Cottage of New Beginnings
Welcome to Thorndale #1
By Suzanne Snow
Release Date: September 3rd, 2020
Canelo Escape
Tour Host: Rachel's Random Resources
Source: ARC provided by the author
One crumbling cottage. One broken heart. A chance to start over?
When Annie returns to Thorndale, the village where she spent much of her childhood, she’s looking for a new start. All she wants to do is fix up the cottage her godmother left her, and fix up her broken heart.

When she clashes with the local hero, Jon, Annie can’t help but wonder if coming back to Thorndale was a mistake. The village has clearly changed and the last thing she needs is more drama. But avoiding the distractingly handsome Jon is proving impossible, especially when Thorndale seems to be conspiring to throw them together…

Annie is looking for a fresh start with zero romance – but what if the only way to learn to trust again is to take a risk on love?

*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review*

In The Cottage of New Beginnings, we meet Anne Armstrong, whose life got turned upside down 5 days before her wedding, when she was jilted by her fiancĂ©, needing somewhere to heal herself, she goes to the only place that has truly been her home, Willow Cottage that she inherited from her godmother Molly, but from the moment she was back in the village of Thorndale where everything that can go wrong does go wrong, from the movers to running out of oil, to being shouted at by a handsome man for parking in the wrong spot. But slowly Anne begins to find her way and in the process finds true love. 


When I started The Cottage of New Beginnings I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy the book, or find it annoying, but I dove headfirst into the world of Anne, Jon, and the Village of Thorndale. When it came to characters, I will admit I did struggle a little with Anne, I found her inability to trust and second guess everything annoying, but I grew to understand it, as quite frankly she had been let down by people her whole life, I got to understand her better.  


I think that when you start reading The Cottage of New Beginnings you would think that it’s a light and fluffy feel-good romance, but there is more to it than that, you see a woman who has suffered one blow after another, until she has reached her peak, and this is her journey to finding the life and romance that she truly deserves. 


I give The Cottage of New Beginnings 4 stars. 

Suzanne lives in Lancashire with her family and loves to read. Amongst her favourite books are historical crime fiction and writers’ biographies. Suzanne enjoys cooking, walking, especially in the Lake District, and developing and planting gardens. She is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association and the Society of Authors.

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