Feb 11, 2020

The Cottage in a Cornish Cove by Cass Grafton Review

The Cottage in a Cornish Cove
By Cass Grafton
Release Date: February 11th, 2020
Tabby Cow Press
Tour Host: Rachel's Random Resources
Source: ARC provided by the author

A heart-warming tale of discovering all you never wanted is exactly what you needed.

Orphaned as a baby and raised by indifferent relatives, much of Anna Redding’s happiness as a child came from the long summer holidays spent with an elderly family friend, Aunt Meg, in the quaint village of Polkerran.

With Aunt Meg’s passing, Anna is drawn back to the West Country, relocating to the Cornish cove where she was once so happy. Filled with memories, she hopes to perhaps open a B&B—and perhaps cross paths with Alex Tremayne again, a local boy she used to have a major crush on and who only had to walk past Anna to make her heart flutter.
Settling into her new life, and enjoying her work for the older, reclusive and—to be honest—often exasperating Oliver Seymour, Anna is delighted when Alex reappears in Polkerran and sweeps her off her feet.

The stars are finally aligned, but just as Anna thinks all she’s ever wished for is within reach, a shocking discovery brings everything under threat, and she finds herself living a dream that isn’t hers.

Can Anna rescue the new life she has made for herself and, when the testing moment comes, who will be there to hold her hand?

The Cottage in a Cornish Cove is the first in an uplifting series of romances from Cass Grafton. Get to know the locals, wallow in the quaintness of Polkerran and fall in love with romance all over again.

*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review*

To state the obvious, I love everything, Cornwall! And as a young child, my parents took my siblings and I there every summer from our home in Essex, and even though I live over 3000 miles away, you can bet if there is a book set in Cornwall, I’m going to read it. So when The Cottage in a Cornish Cove came up I jumped at the opportunity to read it, but I had no idea just how much I would come to love this book. 

So the story is about Anna, who parents died when she was 18 months old and who’s cousin reluctantly raised her, until her parent old neighbor “Aunt Meg” invited her for the summers in Polkerran, and they were the best summers ever. But Aunt Meg has passed on and Anna has inherited her cottage, and Anna heads down to Cornwall to start a better life, one that involves nosy neighbors, her childhood crush and new boss, novelist and grumpiest man alive Oliver Seymour. 

I want to say that I am SO ridiculously happy that I picked up this book, this story was SO magical and reduced me to tears! The characters were simply wonderful and I will be buying this cook in paperback so I can treasure it forever! Or maybe just read it when we lose power in snowstorms. 

I give A Cottage in a Cornish Cove 5 stars!

An avid bookworm since childhood, Cass Grafton writes the sort of stories she loves to read – heart-warming, character-driven and strong on location. Having moved around extensively and lived in three countries, she finds places inspiring and the setting of her novels often becomes as much a part of the story as her characters.

She leans heavily towards the upbeat and insists on a happy ever after. As one of her favorite authors, Jane Austen, once wrote, ‘Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery’.
Cass loves traveling, words, cats, and wine but never in the same glass. She has two grown-up children and currently splits her time between Switzerland, where she lives with her characters.

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